Soutron New 4.1.3 Software Update

We are pleased to announce the latest software update to Soutron is now available, version 4.1.3.

This update provides some specific updates to make the search experience even better, with new image thumbnail and citation display options, provides the ability for social sharing, improved SEO features, Open Graph support and much more besides.

These latest updates are the results of our agile development process and by working closely with, and listening to, our clients’ needs.

The results are an industry leading world class library, archive and information management solution.

Introducing the latest updates and features

Search Portal improvements and new additions

The Search Portal sees big improvements and great new features based on client requests and feedback we have received.

You asked:

To see more than one field in a column

Introducing Field Groups for Search Results. In the following example, we see the Title column showing both Title and Sub Title and a column called Publication Statement showing Publisher and Date

Soutron Update 4.1.3 New Field Groups
(Click image to view larger)


To see details on the number of copies available without having to open the record

Introducing Copy Preview feature for Search Results. Very quickly and easily patrons can see how many copies of an item are available from the search results screen.

Soutron Update 4.1.3 New Copies Available
(Click image to view larger)


To be able to preview a Record without opening it in full

Introducing Record Preview for Search Results which will only show fields with preview enabled as well as showing the Copies available.

Soutron Update 4.1.3 New Record Preview
(Click image to view larger)


To have Citation style search results instead of a Grid

Introducing Citation View for Search Results, combined with Field Groups for Search results, provides rich functionality to display data in a variety of ways. Images can also be included and much more besides.

Soutron Update 4.1.3 New Citation Display
(Click image to view larger)


I want to see Book cover images in search results

Introducing Thumbnail display for Search Results, to better showcase images including, of course, Google book covers.

Soutron Update 4.1.3 New Search Portal Image Collection(Click image to view larger)


I want to provide my users with improved sorting options

Introducing advanced sorting for Search Results, with the ability to define multi-level sorting and custom display names.

Soutron Update 4.1.3 New Better Sorting Options


I want to promote records in my collection on Social media

Introducing the following optional functionality allowing your users to share public facing records across a wide range of social networks.

A fantastic way to reach a larger audience and engage your patrons and end users, allowing them to share their findings via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and many more. Please contact the help desk to set this up.

Soutron Update 4.1.3 New Social Network Sharing


I want to capture contents of an email and automatically create an entry in my Soutron database

Introducing functionality making it possible to import generic emails.  Building on our previous work with integrating Reprints Desk email importing into the system, it is also now possible to import generic emails which may have been sent to a library enquiry inbox.

During the import process we can take certain attributes from the email such as subject, sender, date/time and email body and import into your chosen fields in Soutron.


Other updates include:

Search Portal META, Title and Open Graph tags can now be configured to improve SEO ratings

For those keen to raise their online presence and increase their search engine placements, you can now edit your Search Portal META Title and META Description fields. You are able to set-up your own meta tag content and assign appropriate fields which are then shown in the portal record view metadata, this is useful if you also plan to use the social media sharing buttons.

The Open Graph protocol is now supported to help you control what information is shown on social networks when pages are shared.

Shelf Reference Number Look up based on Classification

It is now possible to provide a shelf reference lookup facility when cataloguing where you are using the Classification Thesaurus. So, for for each classification assigned to a record, you can look up and assign the appropriate Static Shelf Reference or have the system generate an incremental number along with a prefix.


And finally

We have also worked through an extensive list of further updates and enhancements.
Please review our Release Notes for all the finer details.

Please note that we will not update any instance of Soutron without your permission. Please visit our support site where you can request an upgrade at a time convenient to you.

Learn more about:

> Soutron Library Management
> Soutron Records Management
> Soutron Archive
> Soutron Business Archive

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