Meet Soutron at the Business Archives Council 2019 Conference

Business Archives Council Conference 2019 at Riba

Soutron will be exhibiting at the Business Archives Council Conference in London on Wednesday 20th November 2019. The event is being held at RIBA, Portland Place, London and gives you a chance to meet us face-to-face so that you can speak to us about your business archive and how we can help.

This topic for the event this year: “‘No Archive is an Island. Connection and collaboration in business archives.

Attend the evenrt, join in the debate and also:

  • See our latest products being demonstrated for archive, records, library and information management
  • Understand how Soutron, our cloud based archive can offer connectivity to 3rd party systems
  • Learn how your collections can be found on Google and beyond
  • Have your questions answered and suggestions listened to
  • Learn more about what Soutron can do for you and your collections, departments and organisation
  • Talk to us about any challenges you are facing in your department and see if we can advise

Register Today!

View the rates and register your place by visiting the Business Archives Council website on the register link below.

Details, Rates and Register Today!

Event Location
66 Portland Place
United Kingdom

See map: Google Maps

We look forward to seeing you there.

The Soutron Team

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