Google Analytics Integration for your Library and Archive

Google Analytics for Libraries and Archives

The eagerly awaited Search Portal integration with Google Analytics. For those who use the Soutron Search Portal to provide public facing access to your library or archive, this integration with Google Analytics will help you better understand your users’ behaviour.

Introducing the NEW Soutron 4.1 Software Update

New Soutron 4.1 Update

Get to know our software that introduces a new form of practicality, offering faster processing of data, ease of use and features than any other library automation system for special and corporate libraries…

BIALL Conference 2018, Meet us there!

Soutron at BIALL

We are very pleased to announce that this June 2018 Soutron will be attending the BIALL Conference at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole to showcase our Legal Library Automation software. Witness the future of Legal Library…

Meet Soutron at the CILIP LMS Suppliers Spring Showcase 2018

Meet Soutron at the CILIP LMS Suppliers Spring Showcase 2018

We are pleased to announce that Soutron will be exhibiting at CILIP’s LMS Suppliers Spring Showcase in London on Friday 9th March 2018. The Showcase is an informal and relaxed, “non-sales” environment allowing you to meet us face-to-face so that you can…

Archive your company Tweets

Archive your company tweets

While discussing different information management and archival ideas, one that struck a chord was the ability to record tweets to provide a record of an event or