Knowledge Services Webinar with Guy St Clair

On behalf of Soutron Global, we are pleased to invite you to an exclusive webinar with special guest, Guy St. Clair, whose latest book…
Meet Soutron at the CILIP LMS Suppliers Autumn Showcase 2016

Soutron will be exhibiting at CILIP’s LMS Suppliers Autumn Showcase in London on Friday 18th November 2016…
Our Latest Software Updates Autumn 2016

We are pleased to announce the introduction of our next generation LMS which provides new workflows for managing the portal layouts, new menu management system, new request and reservation management, copy global edit and a new…
What do you use the library for?

Researchers have a difficult job getting their hands on the right information in a crowded data landscape. Researchers are the primary client group for many libraries and the library pinpoints the right information that can define the speed of…
Soutron are now Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

We have always employed strict security procedures at Soutron, ensuring our clients data is kept and maintained to the highest standards. We would like to announce that we have taken this one step further and are now Cyber Essentials Plus Certified…
Having the right resource is essential… now where is that pushchair?

It struck me that the simple addition of a the right piece of equipment made a dramatic difference to our holiday. Oliver was noticeably a happier chappie. He positively loved visiting new places, meeting loads of new people and always wears a smile. He even gets to…
Long lasting relationships translate into benefits

The time invested in finding a new system requires a payback that is measured in more than software functions on a screen.
A long lasting relationship based on trust, expert advice and honesty helps the librarian to deliver the library’s mission.
Soutron invests time with clients to listen to what is really needed and then build this into the software to help meet those exact needs. Perhaps it is because we enjoy this process so much that we form strong and long term relationships with clients.
Soutron a Crown Commercial Service G-Cloud 8, Software as a Service (SaaS) Supplier

We are pleased to announce that for the fourth year running Soutron has continued to gain supplier status on the Crown Commercial Services G-Cloud 8, as a Software as a Service (SaaS) supplier.
The benefits of a combined Library and Archive solution

Do you have a library and archive collection you would like to put online and make more accessible? Do you wish you could make this more appealing and increase the use and value of the collections? Perhaps you have a lone desktop PC with your collection saved in a legacy program or spreadsheet but you don’t have the means to easily publish it.
How could a combined library and archive solution benefit your organisation?
Cloud-based Local Studies Archives for Easy Collaboration

A reduction in service costs for Archives and Local Studies Departments is now achievable using Cloud technologies from Soutron. Cloud systems combined with Soutron’s multi-Search Portal technology designed for Archive Management means costs can be lowered and shared by several local authorities and smaller archive services in a single system deployed in the Cloud.