Working at the frontline helpdesk

Here at Soutron everyone is working and busy. The weather certainly is very busy going by what we have seen in Derbyshire over the last few weeks. Rain, winds, snow, sun, clouds, freezing cold and a little blue sky.

Inside, on the Help Desk it is also busy which shows that librarians and archivists are actively working and processing data, often at times trying out new ideas, weeding records, cleaning up data and updating their Search Portals to use new features and more.

Quick fixes!

Only a very few of the tickets placed with the Help Desk arise from software bugs. It’s amazing that an error can suddenly appear in a part of the system that has been working satisfactorily for ages and then out of the blue a problem is reported and is immediately followed by two other people experiencing the exact same issue. We saw this with the Reservations function last week. An analysis revealed why the error was happening and a fix was tested and issued and will be part of the next general release.

Sometimes a help desk call is very specific to a particular client’s database and an example of this came up this morning when Renewals were not working for someone, whatever renewal was being processed it only allowed 3 days instead of 28. A quick look at the data and a check on the system calendar for dates, revealed the year 2020 Working Days calendar had not been set up. Simple to solve but one of those things that may escape notice. Amazing how many issues crop up when the year turns over.

New Collections Feature

Soutron Search Portal Collections on version 4.1.4

I am particularly excited to see and hear people experimenting and implementing the Collections feature in the Search Portal. It engages users, provides a great way to share content and is a great addition.

Collections of content can be set up for Guest Users as well as logged in users and can be presented on the Search Portal. If you’ve not yet used this feature it’s easy to apply and set up and offers users a fast, visual way of getting back to records that they need quickly. It’s especially useful for non-bibliographic material, know-how and making this available.

If you see me on the Help Desk, it’s because I feel it is the pulse of the business and good to be in with the team who work on customer service. It helps me learn more about how our software is used and how we might improve.

Better get back to it. Thanks for reading.


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> Soutron Library Management
> Soutron Records Management
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