We are very pleased to announce that our global search Soutron Discovery solution has now been integrated with Reprints Desk to provide one-click access to scientific papers.
The Soutron Discovery platform provides access to multiple document databases from a single search, eliminating the need to sign on to each database individually, providing a one-stop search portal. Users of Discovery save time and effort in their quests to find relevant, authoritative information that drives value and innovation for their organizations.
Now, with Reprints Desk integration, if access to the full text of a document is not available locally due to internal policies or by design, but is available from an outside vendor, a link to that outside resource is displayed and the user can then request access from that resource by initiating a document delivery request.
“For over 30 years Soutron has looked after our clients every step of the way. When our client informed us that due to internal policies, access to external full-text documents was not possible, I immediately brought the matter to the attention of our Discovery development team,” states Tony Saadat, CEO of Soutron Global. “I believe in going above and beyond for our clients and our development team is always looking to improve our systems and add new features to benefit our clients.”
Read the article in full on Marshall Breeding, Library Technology Guides:
Or find out more about Soutron Discovery.

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