Latest User Group Meeting Introduced Client Feedback Forum Preview of Soutron’s Roadmap for the Future

Soutron Global User Group

We recently held our latest User Group Meeting for our North American clients at the law firm of Gardiner Roberts, who provided an outstanding local venue for our Toronto area clients to meet.

Held exclusively for Soutron Global clients, the meeting covered new features and modules, what to expect in the upcoming 4.1.11 release, tips and tricks to enhance client usage, help desk enhancements, and an overview of the product development roadmap through 2025.

Helpdesk Feedback Community Forum

To help shape the future of Soutron product development, a new helpdesk feature was shown: the ability for clients to suggest, vote on, and track ideas for new functionalities and workflows. This transparency will help Soutron Global listen to client needs and leverage that feedback to prioritize software enhancements. This also provides a way for Soutron to communicate to clients what the product roadmap contains, helping to ensure that Soutron products remain relevant, user-centric, and competitive.

“We take the view that our clients are shareholders in Soutron, and our user group meetings are our way of reporting back to our clients what new product developments we have done for them,” states Soutron President and CEO Tony Saadat. “By tracking and listening to our client’s needs, we understand them better, and can provide them with a better return on their Soutron investment by ensuring customer-centric solutions are developed. This customer-built development compass, which is transparently available for all clients to review, comment, and vote on, enables us to build more interesting solutions and spend our development funds more efficiently.”

Document Submissions and Review Module

During the meeting, Soutron’s multipurpose information management products for libraries and archives were reviewed, featuring the Submissions and Document Review modules which helps companies source knowledge from internal subject matter experts and maintain a peer-reviewed knowledge base.

6 Product Releases since 2021, 7th on the Immediate Horizon, 2025 Roadmap

With 6 new product releases since 2021, many new features and changes clients had requested were discussed at the meeting, such as the ability to embed audio and video files directly into portal record views. In addition, straightforward ways for clients to enhance their Soutron application were also shown, including ease of custom search portal creation, the ability to create individual collections for specific audiences, and the diverse ways clients use Soutron for knowledge management.

With the next release on the immediate horizon, Graham Partridge, VP of R&D gave a live presentation of upcoming release 4.1.11, including redesigned copy management, system configuration upgrades, record editor improvements, and many other major updates to Soutron functionality. Graham also provided clients with a preview of the key development roadmap for 2024 and 2025, emphasizing that this new development will be done using the latest technologies. Included are module redesigns that take advantage of new technologies, adding a new dashboard, and possible AI (Artificial Intelligence) integrations.

Next User Group Meeting

Soutron Global is looking forward to holding their next user group meeting in the United Kingdom and Ireland later this year, where more key new developments will be introduced. Details will be shared with clients as soon as available.

Clients who were unable to attend the latest meeting in person or remotely can view a recording of the most recent meeting on the Soutron support portal.