
Information and Knowledge Management Solutions for Pharmaceutical & BioTech Firms


Pharmaceutical and BioTech firms with libraries, archives, information centers or internal knowledge collections may choose to employ Soutron to manage the vast amounts of research data, experimental results, scientific literature, regulatory documents, standard operating procedures and intellectual property for a variety of reasons that revolve around improving operation efficiencies, regulatory compliance, decision-making, collaboration and data security. These library and archive collections create information centers and knowledge hubs that have captured the learning materials needed to create new knowledge resources and propel innovation.

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Pharma & BioTech Integrated Library Archive Solutions that Optimize Efficiency and Innovation

Collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential for innovation and scientific advancement in a research-intensive industry like pharmaceuticals and biotech. Implementing an information management solution like Soutron provides a platform for researchers, scientists, engineers and other professionals to share their knowledge and expertise. Document submission and collaborative document review workflows enhance teamwork and productivity, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning.

Here are some additional advantages to Soutron’s library and archive management solutions:

  • Efficient organization of both physical and digital assets
  • Enhanced research and classification capabilities
  • Faster information retrieval
  • Secure, intellectual property protection
  • Regulatory compliance and information governance
  • Knowledge capture, sharing and enhanced collaboration
  • Reduced time & resources for training and onboarding

This streamlined knowledge management solution provides for enhanced data-driven decision-making and resource optimization via a customized Search Portal created for your library, archive, knowledge hub or information resource center.

Soutron’s added-value integrations and workflow efficiencies also provide for:

Soutron enables Pharmaceutical and BioTech firms to streamline information management, spurring knowledge sharing and innovation within the organization. It allows engineers, researchers, and analysts to quickly find, locate, and view assets stored within the database.

Drive innovation, streamline processes, improve efficiency and promote knowledge sharing while enhancing learning and development initiatives with Soutron, and ultimately bring new, more innovative products to market.

Cooley LLP Boston

Next Steps

Important decisions shouldn’t be taken lightly. Let us introduce you to our world class flexible Archive Management System and its capabilities. We can offer:

Soutron Global Next Steps
Soutron Global Next Steps