Ensuring Collection Accessibility and Long-Term Preservation

MINISIS Total Cultural Asset Management System

The MINISIS Cultural Asset Management System (CAMS) provides a complete cross-cultural, cross-subject matter collection management solution with an optional preservation service for museums, archives and libraries.

Unlike single-purpose archives, library or museum products, CAMS provides an All-in-One cultural and heritage asset management collection system. This modern, multi-functional solution improves cataloging workflows and provides for the creation of more complete and accessible collections, in addition to offering preservation options.


Unified Archive, Library and Museum Collection Management

Minisis Cultural Asset Management Systems for Multi-Purpose Use

Proven, progressive and certified, the MINISIS CAMS archive, museum and library software system, with an optional Trusted Data Repository (TDR) for preservation, provides a modern approach to managing multi-functional cultural asset management and preservation needs.

Easy to use and 100% customizable, CAMS is the only CHIN-accredited cross-cultural
asset management application that offers dynamic cross-asset ‘union’ searching via the Internet, enabling the public to find anything at any time, regardless of collection type or location.

Start a conversation with us to learn more.

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Cultural Assets Management System

Reliable SaaS Delivery

Streamlined Cultural Asset Management and Access

Suitable for museums, archives and libraries, CAMS ensures that collections, objects and items can be acquired, registered and accessioned according to library, archive and/or museum standards, streamlining collection management while improving access to all materials.

With CAMS, multi-part and multi-descriptive-focused items or objects maintain their common accession information while being cataloged and described according to the item’s descriptive focus when describing individual items, groups and series.



Established as leaders in our field,  we see our software as we see our clients: striving to be the best.

No Hidden Costs

A single annual fee that includes all software maintenance, support and hosting services.

Continual Development

Your needs will change so our team is constantly updating new features and functionalities.

Improved accessibility

No more information silos.

Flexible and Functional

Gives you control over how you organize and share your collection materials.

Integrated Solution

Archive, library and museum solutions combined into one.

Corporate, Government, University Archive Management

MINISIS Archive Management provides a complete archival solution to manage records and physical containers with circulation and more.

Museum Cultural and Heritage Asset Management

The world’s top collection management system, MINISIS Museum Management provides full collections management of objects, digital media, oral histories and more.

MARC-based Public Libraries, School Libraries and Special Library Management

The MINISIS Library Management solution provides an integrated solution, from cataloging to RFID, circulation, serials, OPAC, patron management and more.

Internationally Proven, Multi-lingual Database

The MINISIS multilingual database was first introduced in 1972, and since then users from over 70 countries have implemented our database technology.  

Preservation Services

The optional MINISIS Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) is both a software and preservation service solution, preserving digital assets and providing access to digital versions in a format desired by end-users.

All-in-One Solution

Cross-Cultural, Cross-Asset Solution

Created originally in the 1970s, MINISIS technology was designed to promote innovation and has continued to expand and be promulgated throughout the world, cementing itself as one of the world’s most complete and certified archives, museum and library software systems. Standards-based MINISIS CAMS easily takes care of:

  • OPAC union collection searching
  • Cataloging using business glossaries and taxonomies
  • Acquisitions, accessioning and appraisals
  • Serials management
  • Circulation
  • Loans in/out
  • Reproduction and publication services
  • Museum education and promotion
  • Object location, movement and control
  • Exhibition and loan management
  • Conservation and preservation
  • Risk management and valuation


50+ Years of Excellence

MINISIS clients include thousands of users from over 70 countries from multinationals, governments, NGOs and Not-for-Profits to academic institutions.

computer screen desk in museum

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cultural Asset Management?

Cultural asset management refers to the process of organizing, preserving and managing cultural heritage collections in museums, libraries, archives and institutions. MINISIS CAMS provides a centralized system to streamline these tasks.

What makes MINISIS CAMS different from other cultural asset management systems?

MINISIS CAMS is one of the few CHIN-accredited systems supporting cross-cultural, cross-asset management with advanced cataloging, preservation and accessibility features.

Is MINISIS CAMS suitable for small institutions?

Yes, MINISIS CAMS is scalable, making it ideal for small museums, libraries and archives as well as large multinational institutions.

Does MINISIS CAMS support digital preservation?

Yes! The system integrates with the optional MINISIS Trusted Data Repository (TDR), ensuring long-term digital preservation and access.

How does MINISIS CAMS handle multi-location collections?

MINISIS CAMS enables dynamic cross-location searching, so users can find assets across multiple institutions regardless of format or location.

How does MINISIS CAMS comply with US cultural resource management regulations?

MINISIS CAMS is designed to align with US federal regulations, including the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The system provides tools for thorough documentation, impact assessments and stakeholder consultations, helping institutions meet federal compliance requirements for cultural resource management.

How is MINISIS CAMS deployed?

The software is available as a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution, ensuring reliability, security and ease of maintenance.

No need to continue to rely on fragmented systems or content silos

Create more meaningful collections with CAMS

Learn more about how to use our modern, integrated collection management solution to improve your cataloging, accessibility and preservation practices today.

Ready to showcase your collection?

Improving Access, Search & Preservation

We want to prove the value we can bring to your organization. Our testimonials are one way to demonstrate that value and build trust, but so are these reasons:

IT Safe and Secure

As a cloud-based solution, we manage your database safely & securely in the cloud, reducing the strain on your IT team.

Expand Info Access

Easily integrate with other enterprise applications, with support for Single Sign-on providing a greater opportunity to serve teams across the whole organisation.

50+ Years Strong

Our expertise in information management and database web technology comes from over 50 years of working across many industry sectors.

Next Steps

Important decisions shouldn’t be taken lightly. Let us introduce you to our world class flexible Archive Management System and its capabilities. We can offer:

Soutron Global Next Steps
Soutron Global Next Steps