
Soutron Metadata Thesaurus

Create & Improve Business Glossaries

The Soutron Thesaurus was designed to support archivists, librarians, knowledge and information managers responsible for managing term lists, authority files, taxonomies, and thesauri.

Information professionals in archives, libraries and other cultural heritage institutions that work with digitalisation projects, cataloguing, classifying materials for information retrieval all benefit from controlled vocabularies, which help ensure that terms, abbreviations, and acronyms are consistent and accurate. This controlled vocabulary provides an index for accessing and retrieving content through browsing and searching in a consistent and accurate manner. It also improves data discovery, enhances data terminology consistency and accuracy and standardises communications.

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Reliable SaaS Delivery

Key Benefits of Soutron Metadata Management

Support for Business Glossaries:

  • Designed for archivists, librarians, and knowledge managers to manage business glossaries, term lists, authority files, taxonomies, and thesauri.
  • Supports digitalisation projects, cataloging, and classifying materials for information retrieval.

Controlled Vocabularies:

  • Ensures consistency and accuracy of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms.
  • Provides a reliable index for accessing, browsing and retrieving content

Enhanced Metadata Management:

  • Improves data discovery and consistency.
  • Enhances data integration and management efficiency.
  • Increases search accuracy and standardises communications.
  • Enhances user search experiences.

Polyhierarchical Metadata and Discovery

  • Supports multi-lingual polyhierarchical thesaurus terms, allowing terms to have multiple broader parent terms.
  • Any number of metadata thesauri can be created, each with a full complement of built in term relationships
  • Facilitates diverse search paths, enabling users to find materials by various criteria (e.g., author, subject, location).

RDF Support

  • Customisable facets and RDF metadata encoding improve findability.
  • RDF enables efficient handling of structured and semi-structured data, aiding in decision-making and knowledge management.

User Experience and API Integration

  • Enhances search and display of information.
  • Allows sharing of entries across the organisation via its API.
  • Regulates vocabulary, ensuring consistent communication.

Modernised Metadata Management

Advanced Soutron Metadata Management Features

The Soutron Thesaurus is a powerful multilingual tool for improving information organisation and retrieval across any industry that collects and uses information.


50+ Years of Excellence

MINISIS clients include thousands of users from over 70 countries from multinationals, governments, NGOs and Not-for-Profits to academic institutions.
computer screen desk in museum

Ready to showcase your collection?

Improving Access, Search & Preservation

We want to prove the value we can bring to your organisation. Our testimonials are one way to demonstrate that value and build trust, but so are these reasons:

IT Safe and Secure

As a cloud-based solution, we manage your database safely & securely in the cloud, reducing the strain on your IT team.

Expand Info Access

Easily integrate with other enterprise applications, with support for Single Sign-on providing a greater opportunity to serve teams across the whole organisation.

50+ Years Strong

Our expertise in information management and database web technology comes from over 50 years of working across many industry sectors.

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